Cordero Consulenze
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Gianfranco Cordero got his oeno-technical diploma at “Scuola Enologica” in Alba in 1978 and his Oenologist qualification, conforming to the Law 129/91. He is associated to “Associazione Enotecnici Enologi italiani” (Registration Number 2069).

From 1979 to 1986 he has worked as Oenologist at important wineries, producing or bottling wines, vermouth, sparkling wines, grape juices and must.
Since the end of 1986 he has been a professional, enrolled in the”Albo dei Periti Agrari” and in “Assoenologi Italiani”.
In the following 25 years he has been a Viticulture and Oenological consultant both in the whole of Italy and abroad. Since 1989 he manages the Bi.Lab S.r.l., seated in Guarene (CN) : it’s an analysis and research centre, enabled by CEE and Italian laws to issue official certificates of analysis for the export of wines. The laboratory is also recognized by ACCREDIA eand it’s authorised by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture to keep and update the cellar registers all around Italy.
Gianfranco Cordero is also the Chairman of the Tasting Commissions for both “Valoritalia” and “Enoteca Regionale del Roero” in Canale and the official technical consultant for the Court in Alba. He even cooperates with the Faculty of Viticulture and Oenology at Turin University and teaches at oenology and tasting courses for “Go Wine” and for the Italian Sommeliers Association.